Miss Heather Evans
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
I qualified from the University Hospital of Wales in 1990.
I decided early on to specialise in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and did my specialist training in North West Thames, London. Throughout my training I specialised in pre-invasive disease and early gynaecological cancers.
I came to the Royal Free in January 2001 as a research fellow looking at the role of HPV virus and cervical cancer.
I was appointed as a consultant at the Royal Free in August 2002 and have been working fulltime in the department since then. My special interest is pre-invasive disease and I have a weekly colposcopy clinic and out-patient treatment clinic. I am clinical lead for gynaecological cancer and chair the MDT meeting. I have a weekly rapid access clinic and out-patient hysteroscopy clinic. And alternate week operating list.
I have been the clinical director for 18 months and have been involved in a number of initiatives within the department.
In my spare time I enjoy regular exercise and walking my 5 year old Golden Doodle.
Hospital Locations
Royal Free Hospital
Year qualified
Country of qualification
Languages spoken
English, Welsh
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Gynaecology
Procedures offered
- Colposcopy
- LLETZ/Laser cone
- Hysteroscopy
- Laparascopic and open surgery
Clinical interests
- Pre-invasive cervical disease
- Early gynaecological cancers
- Menstrual disorders