Mr Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos
Consultant Thoracic Surgeon
Mr Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos is a Consultant Thoracic Surgeon at the Royal Free Hospital, who specializes in treating cancers of the chest. These types of cancer include lung cancer, thymic tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, and mesothelioma. He has experience in using the latest technology including Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) and the Da Vinci Robotic System to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases of the lung, mediastinum and chest wall. Mr Panagiotopoulos performs these operations through small incisions with the goal of minimizing discomfort and accelerating recovery. He also focuses on techniques and procedures to improve symptoms and quality of life in people with advanced cancer. Working with his experienced colleagues in medical and radiation oncology, we emphasize in treatment plans that are unique and are tailored to each patient’s needs.
Mr Panagiotopoulos has an interest in benign conditions such as chest wall deformities (pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum) and their surgical management with the NUSS procedure and the Ravitch technique. Another area of clinical interest is surgery for hyperhidrosis with keyhole thoracoscopic approach.
A significant portion of his time is also spent performing scientific research to better understand how tumors form and investigate new ways to treat them.
Mr Panagiotopoulos has developed a strong academic interest leading to a significant number of publications and presentations in various national and international conferences.
Hospital Locations
Royal Free Hospital
Year qualified
Country of qualification
Languages spoken
English, Greek, German
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
Registration and licensing
Procedures offered
- Robotic Lobectomy
- Robotic Thymectomy
- VATS lobectomy
- VATS thymectomy
- VATS sympathectomy
- Mediastinal Mass Resection
- VATS Pneumothorax Surgery
- VATS Lung Biopsy
- Surgery of the Diaphragm
- Airway Surgery
- NUSS Procedure
- Ravitch Procedure
Special interests
- Robotic Assisted Thoarcic Surgery
- Chest wall Surgery
- Hyperhidrosis Surgery
Research interests
- Enhanced Recovery in Thoracic Surgery