Prostate biopsy

Ground Floor Entrance at Night (1)

Our private Prostate biopsy services are provided at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead.

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Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy will be done by a urologist, during the biopsy they will annotate the MRI images marking areas with suspicion of cancer on their monitor. TRUS imaging isdone live and in real time, but MRI is not. The Urologist will use the previous MRI images that have been used. The Urologist compare the TRUS biopsy images against the MRI images.

The week before your biopsy

Please seek advice from your consultant regarding medication, do not take any asprin or asprtin like medication 7 days prior to your biopsy. Consult your GP or Urologist consultant if you are unsure.

The day before your biopsy

Your consultant will prescribe you four 500mg tablets of Cipro and six 500mg tablets of Keflex. You should also purchase a Fleet enema to use the next morning. The night before your exam, take one tablet of Cipro before going to bed.

The day of your biopsy

On the morning of the exam take one tablet of Cipro and two tablets of Keflex and then another two tabletsof Keflex just before your biopsy procedure.

You may eat a light breakfast or lunch before the biopsy procedure, but limit the amount of liquids consumed (e.g. water, juice, coffee tea etc.).

An hour before your biopsy drink two glasses of water as a full bladder allows the urologist to see the prostate more clearly.

You will spend around 2 hours in our clinic and for your MRI you will be asked to remove any jewlery and metals

After your procedure

You should then take the final dosage of antibiotics prescribed (Cipro and Keflex), there are no driving restrictions therefore you do not require anyone to drive you home.

Biopsy results are normally available after 2-3 days and can either be shared via phone or follow up appointment.

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