Scarf and akin osteotomy/Bunion surgery


Our private Scarf and akin osteotomy/Bunion surgery services are provided at the Hadley Wood Hospital, High Barnet.

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Bunions are a deformation of the big toe joint.

The procedure

Scarf and akin osteotomy surgery involves carefully removing small sections of the bone and then realigning the big toe. This significantly improves the appearance of the bunion and alleviates associated foot pain. The procedure can often be performed using laparoscopic (keyhole) techniques, although sometimes a larger incision above the toe is required. It’s usually carried out under general anaesthetic, but you should be able to go home either a few hours later or the next day.


How long it takes your foot to heal can depend on the level of surgery needed. Sometimes a plaster cast or splint/brace might be required and you may need crutches for a few weeks. You’ll be advised to take it easy for a while and keep your foot elevated as much as possible, but it’s important to keep mobile too. Your surgeon and a physiotherapist will be able to advise on how best to approach this and any exercises that can help.

Bunion surgery is not always 100% successful but most people will see very significant, long-lasting improvements.

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