Nerve decompression surgery

089 20_0320_RFL PPU Hadley Wood 0910

Our private Nerve decompression surgery services are provided at the Hadley Wood Hospital, High Barnet.

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Compressed nerves can potentially affect any part of the body, resulting in pain and symptoms like pins and needles, numbness and weakness in the area affected.

Causes of nerve decompression

A number of things can cause compressed nerves, including joint and soft tissue damage or inflammation due to injuries or osteoarthritis. Spinal nerve compression can occur as a result of changes in the spine associated with wear and tear and degenerative disc disease, or herniated or bulging discs that may press on nerve roots.


Pain due to nerve compression can be persistent and severe – but the vast majority of the time, symptoms will improve and conservative methods will help. However, if conservative methods aren’t helping and symptoms are getting worse, then other treatments, such as nerve block injections, might be recommended (you can find more information here about the Pain Management treatments available at Hadley Wood Hospital), and in a smaller number of cases, surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve may be required.

This is known as decompression surgery, but the exact procedure will depend on which nerve is being treated, plus factors such as the severity of the symptoms and associated causes. The specialist surgeons at Hadley Wood Hospital have extensive experience in performing a wide range of decompression surgeries, using minimally-invasive and laparoscopic (keyhole) techniques wherever possible. Decompression surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic and, depending on the exact procedure, you may need to stay in hospital for one or two nights.


Recovery times can also vary depending on the procedure performed, but while you will need some time off work, keeping mobile can also be very important. Your surgeon and a physiotherapist will be able to advise on how best to approach this and when it’s safe to return to more strenuous activities, as well as any exercises that may help. Physiotherapy or sports rehabilitation can also be very beneficial following decompression surgery, to further support your recovery and help prevent problems recurring in the future.

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